How does a Kangaroo Spring Bed differ from other mattresses in the market?


We are committed to on-time production that is efficient and smooth-running. Our manufactur- ing procedure follows a close set of operational schedules that are set to ensure everything works perfectly, from the beginning of the construction- till the very last minute of delivery phase

Attention to Detail

During the manufacturing phase, most quality control procedures are carried out by sight. This explains why all our workers are trained to have keen eyes on details and quick to implement their better judgement in creating Kangaroo standard products. Further inspections are also carried out to ensure superior quality product before deliv- ery.


As one of the oldest spring bed manufacturers, our company is always on the lookout for the next technology to apply. We realize that sleep is a basic human necessity, but the products that support must to constantly change, adapt, and evolve. Innovation is our strength, as well as, commitment.

Safety First

Our company is proud to implement a safe work- ing environment to our workers in their daily op- erational shifts. We also prioritize strong business ethics with our partners because we trust in se- cure work relations.


Our passion is not limited to creating excellent quality mattresses, but also in the art of manufacturing and pursuit of the best sleep experience. We are committed to the process itself and this is shown through the constant improvement in our technology line as well as human resources. We chal- lenge ourselves to create valuable and extraordinary masterpieces that our customers truly deserve.

Sleeping Experience

As a result, each sleeping experience is guaranteed with an original de- sign, full-body support, and confidence of long-lasting, health-giving and mind-comforting benefits only Kangaroo Spring Bed has to offer.
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